SMall like…
Small in size to be flexible in my professionnal practice, i used to work with pluridisciplinary team according to project requirements : architects, decorators, technical offices, but also artists and craftsmen.
Small like attentive and imperceptible, to approach landscape project not like a building planner, but more like a gardener, in promotion of Life and Nature. For exemple, I work to restore vegetal seasonality in city where mineral is permanent.
Acting locally. Rooted in rural areas, in the Chevreuse Valley for 20 years and in the Drôme Valley since 2022, I have faithfully woven a network of skilled men and women, public structures, and private companies who trust me today, sources of exchanges and great satisfaction.
Think globally because the environmental impact of project has sustainable consequences for planet and our future. So, choose local suppliers, natural materials, energy friendly solutions, endemic vegetal range without watering,…
Be fully sustainable to make today choices conditioning the project in the future, in the long run. Plant hugely in various vegetal species for our children, for tomorrow!
A garden ou in large scale a landscape, it’s a place, a site to reveal, to relate his history… an history who make visible what surround us, what we don’t succeed to see, walk on ways that nobody takes, mind sounds that we don’t heard, play with shades, winds, water, birds and bugs,… my vocation helps you to reveal your place.

” I grew up in the Cévennes mountains and Paris, immersed in the contrast between the wild beauty of the landscapes and the heritage city. From this dual influence, I developed a keen sensitivity in project approaches, striving to balance built and controlled spaces with autonomous and vibrant nature. I have derived a design logic from this: constructed elements near buildings, with spontaneous and abundant vegetation further away.
I apply this vision in my professional practice as a landscape designer with over 20 years of experience serving a variety of landscape projects. I am dedicated to restoring the spirit and history of each place, with a refined aesthetic sense in the selection of plants, materials, and furniture for a comprehensive project vision.
I founded SMall Paysagiste to convey this conscious vision of our surroundings, from gardens to broader landscapes, as integral contributors to biodiversity and the future of our planet.”
Stéphanie Mallier, founder of SMall Paysagiste
The approach
The design office SMall Paysagiste works on landscape and urban projects, from gardens to large outdoor spaces, as well as environmental studies.
- Develop a vision of landscapes from small to large scale for public and private partners
- Support landscape projects from natural to urban, from design to realization
- Build an external identity in the spirit of the place, its uses, and its history
- Select a plant palette beneficial to plant and animal biodiversity
- Plant endemic and nourishing species to create new living spaces
- Densify planted areas for a green and sustainable network
- Favor natural materials for sustainable project management
- Work with local suppliers for a satisfactory carbon balance
Collaboration with Fe56
In 2016, Small Paysagiste partnered with a collective of artists and craftsmen that would become Fe56 Paris, designing unique and high-quality pieces intended for gardens. Patrice Dangel and Mehdi Mallier created a range of iconic furniture and accessories to enhance outdoor spaces with exceptional pieces, always in limited series. Sophie Dangel and Stéphanie Mallier handle the commercial promotion and the plant-based enhancement of Fe56 Paris.
Public clients
Commune de Crest (26)
Commune de Piégros-la-Clastre (26)
Commune de Recoubeau-Jansac (26)
Commune de Raizeux (78)
Commune de Chevreuse (78)
Commune d’Auffargis (78)
Commune de Villepreux (78)
Commune des Clayes-sous-Bois (78)
Commune des Essarts-le-Roi (78)
Commune de Jouy-en-Josas (78)
Commune de Chatenay-Malabry (92)
Conseil Départemental de l’Eure (27)
Commune d’Evreux (27)
Commune du Mesnil Simon (28)
Commune du Creusot (71)
Parc naturel régional de la Haute vallée de Chevreuse
Université la Doua
SIAVB syndicat intercommunal d’assainissement de la Vallée de la Bièvre
SIAHVY syndicat intercommunal d’assainissement de la Haute Vallée de l’Yvette
CAUE d’Eure-et-Loir
Private clients
Ecole Saint Bernard
Diocèse de Pontoise
Centre de vacances le Lazaret
Les Compagnons du Devoir
Hara de la Gire
Jardinerie de Chevreuse