Environmental component for the renovation of an equestrian center in a classified site in the Bièvre Valley

Graphic materials & studies

Photos of existing conditions & works

Technical informations

Project owner

Intercommunal Bièvre Valley (SIAVB) for Vilvert equestrian Center (78)


SMall Paysagiste in direct commission for the landscaping studies, BATI ASSIST AMO


Renovation of Vilvert equestrian center as part of renaturation of a portion of the Bièvre river, construction of a new horse riding arena, relocation of infrastructure (manure storage and evacuation runoff water, fire water reserve), development of the parking area, endemic plantations : rural hedges, selection of non-toxic plant species toxic to equines

Landscaping component

Study phase only ESQ/APS/APD until obtaining the building permit


Not specified


60 250m² within the INRA domain



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